Digital Art Revolution


Essentials envisions a future deeply rooted in our current online presence, charting a distinctive course in the art market by eschewing the conventional 'physical' approach of brick-and-mortar stores. Our unwavering commitment to remaining an exclusively online entity is not just a strategic choice; it's a fundamental part of our identity that sets us apart in the dynamic landscape of the art market.

In a sector often tethered to traditional galleries, Essentials distinguishes itself by embracing the digital realm. Our decision to forgo physical storefronts is not merely a cost-saving measure; it's a deliberate choice to redefine the customer experience. By existing solely in the virtual sphere, we transcend the confines of physical locations, offering a borderless gallery accessible to art enthusiasts worldwide.

The founder, Astin Parore thought that leveraging cutting-edge technology to provide an immersive and personalized online platform was critical. Unlike traditional galleries, our digital space allows customers to explore artworks in unprecedented detail, virtually placing them in the artist's creative environment. We prioritize user-friendly interfaces and innovative tools that enhance the discovery and appreciation of art, fostering a dynamic and interactive engagement between the audience and the artworks.

Our online model also affords artists greater visibility and accessibility on a global scale, democratizing the art-buying process. Essentials believes that art should be enjoyed by everyone, and by staying exclusively online, we dismantle geographical barriers and make the world of art a more inclusive and interconnected space. As we navigate the future, Essentials remains steadfast in our commitment to revolutionize the art market, proving that a digital approach can not only compete with but surpass the traditional gallery experience.